The internet usage over the years is becoming alarming. Downloads of video contents, music and every form of contents that can be distributed over the internet.
But the issue is the time wastage and cost of distributing contents over the internet is high. This is due to the geographical locations of CDN (content distribution Network) infrastructions. There have to be a way of bringing these insfrastructions closer to users in order to access content faster and also save cost.
NOIA network is a decentralized CDN aimed at giving access to user in order to have a fast and time saving content distributed to their devices. NOIA will make use of users unused bandwith and unused storage space to be nodes that can serve as distribution nodes to other devices.
These nodes are paid for becoming nodes on the NOIA network.
To learn more about the NOIA network, Read my review on then:
Or you can learn more about them on their social media stated on my review.
Do not forget to join and become a node using my refferal link:
Thank you as you join to make the internet a better place.
But the issue is the time wastage and cost of distributing contents over the internet is high. This is due to the geographical locations of CDN (content distribution Network) infrastructions. There have to be a way of bringing these insfrastructions closer to users in order to access content faster and also save cost.
NOIA network is a decentralized CDN aimed at giving access to user in order to have a fast and time saving content distributed to their devices. NOIA will make use of users unused bandwith and unused storage space to be nodes that can serve as distribution nodes to other devices.
These nodes are paid for becoming nodes on the NOIA network.
To learn more about the NOIA network, Read my review on then:
Or you can learn more about them on their social media stated on my review.
Do not forget to join and become a node using my refferal link:
Thank you as you join to make the internet a better place.